Job Openings

Job Openings

Help Wanted

Our Parish Family is seeking a Regional Pastoral Assistant for Administration

The Pastoral Assistant for Administration (PAA) oversees and directs administrative functions for Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Bernadette, and Our Lady of Lourdes Parishes including personnel, finance, technology and facilities. The PAA oversees activities relating to Stewardship and provides support to the pastor for the Partners in the Gospel Process. The PAA also assures compliance with local, state and federal laws/regulations along with Archdiocesan rules, regulations and policies.

To apply, submit a resume and complete the application that can be found at:

Our Parish Family is seeking a Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation

The Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation II (PAFF) implements the parish family’s commitment to forming future generations in the Catholic faith in a comprehensive manner, forming them to be active disciples of Jesus Christ in the Church.  This includes the leadership for the following elements for Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Bernadette parishes:  catechesis, evangelization, service, community building, spirituality, liturgy, guidance, and training. The PAFF will oversee the development and implementation of programs, activities, and curriculum for adults, senior high, middle school, elementary and sacramental preparation.

To apply for these positions, submit a resume and complete the application that can be found at:

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