

Catholics believe the Eucharist, or Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. As we receive Christ's Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.

Eucharist is offered at St. Francis of Assisi at Mass and can be brought to our Homebound parishioners.

Eucharist at Mass

Eucharist is offered daily at each of the scheduled Masses to all Catholics. 

There have been some changes to the reception of Eucharist due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The Body of Christ will be distributed by Fr. Dick and a Eucharistic Minister. After receiving Eucharist, himself, Fr. Dick will sanitize his hands and put on a mask. You will be directed by a Hospitality Minister when to come forward. You will come up the side aisles, receive Communion, and then return to your pew down the center aisle and kneel or sit. Everyone (except immediate family) must stay 6’ apart at all times as you come forward and return to your pew.

Remove your mask just prior to receiving Eucharist. You need to receive the Body of Christ in your hands. Both hands extended toward the priest or Eucharistic Minister and your hands must be kept motionless and flat so that the Body of Christ can be placed in your hand without touching you.  If you are touched by the minister, both of you will need to sanitize your hands before moving on to the next communicant.  We are not able to receive the Blood of Christ at this time.

When you return to your pew you should kneel or sit until the priest is seated.

Frances should provide Eucharist for the Homebound

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