The Outreach Ministries consist of many ministries and groups run by staff and volunteers; many of them are on this page. We list them all in alphabetical order.
Project Rachel: Hope and Healing After Abortion
It is only right that the reparation for abortion is found not by clinging to guilt and despair, but by trusting in God’s love. We can help.
Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ and find healing and wholeness. They will be starting when it is safe to do so. In Stanwood WA
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
Joseph’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
“I was unsure about coming and … thinking I could try to do without it. Today I feel so fortunate to have been here and now am free … with less fear. I was able to begin to forgive myself and ask forgiveness from my child.” -Retreat Testimonial
Why not give it a chance? It may help you be free of that which burdens you greatly about your role in the abortion decision. Give it a try. You won’t regret it.
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel/Project Joseph is a program of Catholic Community Services.
Spring cleaning underway?
St. Francis Quilters and St. Francis Knitters Circle are looking for any unwanted fabric, yarn, or other craft supplies. Your leftovers help provide warmth and comfort to many of our neediest neighbors.
Local pickup of items cheerfully provided. Call Anne at 206-444-0953.
Catholic Hospital Ministry at Harborview Medical Center
Volunteers are needed to bring Holy Communion and provide a compassionate presence to patients and their families at Harborview Hospital. Volunteers must complete all necessary paperwork, background checks, personal interviews and orientation/training sessions.
Time expectation is once a week - 3-4 hour shift, plus bimonthly check-in gatherings. There is lots of flexibility in regards to specific day/time.
If you would like to participate call 206-965-1646 or email Deacon Steve Wodzanowski at
Would you like to make a difference
In your community, the country, or the world? Do you want to serve those in need and work for social justice? Check out RESPONSE 2018, a free guide listing nearly 200 faith-based volunteer
programs and thousands of opportunities. Volunteers serve full-time for periods of one week to one year or more across the U.S. and in more than 100 countries worldwide. Summer and school break opportunities are also available. Our volunteers are from all walks of life - from high school to senior citizens and every stage in between. Positions are available for both single and married volunteers, including those with children.
Contact Catholic Volunteer Network to receive your free copy/copies of RESPONSE 2018.
Call 800-543-5046 or email You can also search RESPONSE 2018 online at
50+ Plus Friends
50+ Plus Friends is a group of men and women age 50 and over, and their friends of any age. We meet for social activities on the third Thursday of every month, September through June. Watch the bulletin each month for time and place.
50+ Plus Friends planning committee members are Ann Gottberg, Dodie Osborne, Virginia Crotty, and Marge Vranizan. The planning committee meets virtually until it is safe to meet in person. All are welcome. You input will be appreciated.
St. Vincent de Paul in Georgetown on 4th Ave. has a need for Volunteers to answer their phones. It is really distressing that our brothers and sisters in need are having to wait 20 minutes on hold, Training will be provided - 4 hours a week would be appreciated so they know we care and want to try and help with their emergency. Please call Pat Pomerory, our president of the St. Francis Chapter. (253)878-5295 or (206) 280-6115
JUSTICE CAFE... (Currently does not meet due to COVID19, but used to mees every 4th Thursday)
Action Ideas for Community Peace-Building
-Push yourself outside your comfort zone to encounter new people, explore new communities, and hear more people’s stories.
- Educate others about the causes of violence for past and current events.
- Be willing to have uncomfortable conversations, speak your truth, and actively listen when others are speaking.
- Reach out to marginalized communities through service work
- Research what efforts and solutions have been effective in your communities and other communities in reducing violence.
- If there is conflict in your school or workplace, invite everyone to a social event where people can enjoy each other on friendly terms
-Participate in advocacy days and legislative advocacy.
-Write letters to politicians
-Advocate for increased housing resources, especially for people fleeing from violence
-Adjust policies to support survivors of intimate partner violence and human trafficking
-Increase services and legal protections to survivors of human trafficking, and increase community education so survivors know the rights they do have.
-Encourage different government groups and services to do a better job coordinating with each other to improve access to services.
-Address sexual assault and create a culture where families talk to men about why they should not perpetrate assault and not only to women about how to protect themselves. Teach children to treat everyone, including women, with respect.
-Advocate for a reform of the criminal justice system around issues of sexual assault
If you are not aware of the role Association for Catholic Childhood plays in the Archdiocese, we are the “founding mothers” of Catholic Community Services. Since 1918, we have been providing funding and advocacy for children and families in need, regardless of race or creed.
There are about 600 women in parishes throughout the Archdiocese, mainly in the greater Seattle area currently, who gather in Circles to volunteer to raise money and/ or do service for children and families. Twice yearly, agencies from throughout Western Washington submit formal grant requests. A review Board evaluates each proposal, and awards grants. We primarily support CCS agencies, but also fund other programs like CASA. Last year we were able to provide $162,500.
Please help us continue to help the children by advertising our online auction. If you would
like to learn more, please see our website at, respond to me, or call the office at CCS on Monday or Wednesday mornings at 206-328-5973. Labor of Love auction website
The Knit & Chat group and the St. Francis Quilters are always looking for new members! And if you have yarn or quilting supplies, they can be given to the parish office; cheerful pick-up provided!
The Knitters meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 9a.m. in Unity Place 2. Hats and scarves are created for the Warm for Winter campaign; they are given to Lazarus Day Center, Ratcliff House, Bishop Lewis House, St. Martin de Porres shelter, Hospitality House, The Wintonia, King County Youth Detention Center and Transform Burien.
Pre-COVID19, the Quilters meet 1st Tuesday at 10:30a.m. in Parish Hall. Currently they do not meet.
Contact for both groups is Charlene Carlson at (206) 242-2755
There is instruction for beginners. Contact Charlene at 206-242-2755 or
If you are a pregnant mother in distress or know someone facing a crisis pregnancy, our Gabriel Angels are trained volunteer mentors who walk beside Mom with spiritual, emotional, and practical support.
Call 1-88-926-ANGEL to connect with an Angel.
Questions? Contact Cecilia Foster (
Questions? Contact Roberta Jorgensen:
Pregnancy Aid in Kent (253-852-1201)
Des Moines (253-878-3770); and
Next Step in Lynnwood (866-892-5125).
Pregnant & Need Help?
Call 1-800-395-HELP or 1-877-NO-ALONE to talk with someone 24/7 or visit for information.
Homeless & Pregnant? Call Good Counsel Homes, 1-800-723-8331,
Find women’s healthcare services at 3W Medical Clinic in the
U-District (206-588-0311).
Find local pregnancy centers at, including Pregnancy Aid in Kent
(253-852-1201) and Des Moines (253-878-3770), and Next Step in Lynnwood
A program of Catholic Community Services. 206 445 5669
A full range of support services for pregnant women and caregivers of children 0-5 years of age including home visits, case management, and parenting education.
Hospice volunteers needed to support patients in King County. Volunteers needed to visit patients and their families in their homes and in facilities. Training is provided, 4 hour/week commitment requested. Please call Halee @ 253-442-4367 or find us online for more info!
Is Your Marriage all it was Meant to Be? Are you struggling in your marriage? Do you feel a sense of disillusionment or sadness? Do you wish you could rekindle the spark you once had, but just don’t know how? You are not alone.
Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vî) can help. For confidential information about, or to register call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at
What is the Retrouvaille program?
Retrouvaille is Catholic in origin and is endorsed by the Seattle Archdiocese. Retrouvaille is a community of volunteers committed to helping hurting couples heal their marriages. The Retrouvaille program offers couples the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine their lives in a new and positive way. No matter what is causing the hurt, couples can find healing.
Who is it for?
It is for couples with strained marriages, including those in the initial stages of distress, as well as those in a state of hopelessness and considering divorce. While many attendees are Catholic, married couples of all faiths are welcome.
Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound and at Franciscan/Highline Hospital in Burien
Special Ministers of the Eucharist visit the sick and homebound to extend the Liturgy of the Mass to those unable to attend. Visits are made to those living within St. Francis of Assisi Parish area. If you live outside our parish area we can help you contact the parish nearest to your residence. To make arrangements for a visit contact Kathi Swan at
We visit all those who are registered as Catholic, regardless of parish affiliation.
First Friday Sandwich Makers
On the First Friday of each month, volunteers meet in Unity Kitchen right after morning Mass to make 100 sandwiches for Lazarus Day Center. Blood pressure checks and light refreshment are served on the First Friday.
Fourth Tuesday Sandwich Makers
On the Fourth Tuesday of each month, volunteers meet in Unity Kitchen right after morning Mass to make 500 sandwiches for St. Martin de Porres Shelter for men over 50.
Catholic Community Services
Your gifts are used locally to provide essential services and programs for people desperately in need. As good stewards of your gifts, 92c of every dollar CCS spends goes directly to those in need. Please visit their website at for more information or if you have not yet made a gift of support. Thank you.
Grief Support
Caring Companion: Bonney Watson Grief Support Group . Open to all.
SeaTac – 1st and 3rd Thursdays - 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Call or email to see if they meet.
16445 International Blvd.
Contact Barbara Gilreath 206-242-1787 or
Capitol Hill – 2nd and 4th Thursdays - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
1732 Broadway, Seattle
Contact Barbara Gilreath 206-322-0013 or
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are active in the parish as Pope John XXIII Council 5495. It is a fraternal order of Catholic men and we are always happy to welcome new members.
Please see our web page.
St. Vincent dePaul of Seattle King County
Our 53 neighborhood chapters make close to 12,000 in-home visits per year. Last year we
served close to 60,000 people in all programs. Our Chapter here at St. Francis is so grateful to all our Parishioners who donate monthly. $.90 of every dollar donated goes directly to our neighbors in need. We strive to help everyone. 80% of those in need are non-Catholic.
If you would like to be part of our St. Vincent de Paul team, please contact our president, Mary McGarry (206) 433-7758.
Please see our web page.
Serve abroad with Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Do you feel called to be present with the voiceless and vulnerable in our world?
Are you ready to serve on the margins from the foundation of your faith and be transformed?
Maryknoll Lay Missioners offers US Catholics the opportunity to serve in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Time is running out to apply for the 2016 Class of Maryknoll Lay Missioners!
Visit MKLM.ORG or call 914-236-3489 for more information.
Social Justice
"The Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the callings of modern society. Modern Catholic social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar, and episcopal documents."
Please see the USCCB document titled "Themes from Catholic Social Teaching". Please see our page for details.
Sock it to Homelessness
Homeless people may have only one pair of socks, and those are often wet. A clean, dry pair of socks can make a difference. We collect NEW men’s white socks year-around to be distributed to the homeless, both men and women. We give men’s socks to both men and women, because men’s socks are usually warmer.
Strength for Helping Hearts: Reflections for Caregivers by Shelly Beach. Free copy by emailing
The Healthy Mind Cookbook by Rebecca Katz (director of the Healing Kitchen Institute at the Commonweal Cancer Help Program. Visit
Young Children are members of our parish.
Children are a welcome addition to our parish. They are a sign our parish is growing.
To the parents of young children may we suggest?
RELAX: God put the wiggles in children.Don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.ALL are welcome.
Sit toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear.
Quietly explain the parts of the Mass.
Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses.Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.Take time at home to “play” pretend church so your children know what to expect.
Explain to them that when we pray and sing, all the saints, angels and our loved ones in heaven are praying and singing along with us.
If you have to leave Mass with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Matthew 19:14
Look for children’s bulletins in the foyer and pick one up for your children when entering the church.
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
1:00 PM to 5:30 PM
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Mailing Address:
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
PO Box 929
Seahurst WA 98062