St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul

St Francis of Assisi Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society

Poverty and the Vincentian:

"You have the poor with you always " (Matt. 26:11).
The Vincentian is at their service. He does not judge; he is available.

The ministry of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is many-faceted. It is a worldwide organization with its vision based on St. Vincent de Paul’s spiritual nature. Five virtues are characteristic of his spirituality: Simplicity, Humility, Gentleness, Self-Sacrifice and Zeal. These virtues support Vincentians in their efforts to live out this vision in their ministry while making home visits.

The help we provide to our neighbors in need is only limited by the boundary of our parish and the donations we receive. when we head into the winter months, our calls for help will increase. Shelter the poor, clothe them, feed them.

We are all poor. We are not self-sufficient. We are dependent on God and each other. Everything we have is a gift. If we remember this and are aware of our own poverty, we can better relate to those we help. We meet them where they are.

St. Francis of Assisi chapter of St. Vincent de Paul needs new volunteers! Please give this prayerful thought. You may contact Mary McGarry - 206-433-7758,

The Society is made up of volunteers from St. Francis who feel a special calling to help their neighbors in need. We serve an average of 50 neighbors-in-need per month here in Burien with the basic needs of life. We join with other Parish organizations (Outreach Ministry and the St. Francis of Assisi School) to provide special help to families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Our conference holds meetings in a spirit of Christian fellowship on the first Tuesday of each month.

The help that is given out -- food, rent, utilities, household goods, and furniture -- is made possible entirely by the donations collected from St. Francis of Assisi church members. Their generosity is truly a blessing to our community.

The 8 St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores of the Seattle Area Council are in need of donations. All clean, usable clothes, furniture and household items would be greatly appreciated. Please help us serve the needy in our communities. You may bring your donations to any of our thrift stores or call (206) 767-3835.

For information or help from the Society, here at St. Francis, please call the Parish office at (206) 242-4575.

Some background information from the Vincentian Manual - St. Francis of Assisi:

Purpose and Membership of the Society:
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is an international Catholic organization of lay persons, founded in 1833 by Bl. Frederic Ozanam and his companions. Placed under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, it derives its inspiration from his thinking and work. It seeks to provide help in a spirit of justice and charity, by person-to-person involvement of its members with those in need. Faithful to its founders, it constantly strives to renew and adapt itself to the changing conditions of the world.

Catholic in character, it is open to all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbor. In some countries, circumstances may lead to the acceptance of Christians of other confessions or members of other creeds who accept its principles.

No work of charity is foreign to the Society. It works, through a person-to-person contact, to encompass every form of aid that alleviates suffering and promotes the dignity and integrity of mankind. The Society strives not only to alleviate need but also to discover and redress the situations that cause it. It serves everyone, regardless of creed, opinion, color, origin or caste.

Members of the Society are united in the same spirit of poverty and sharing. They form with those they help, one and the same family throughout the world.

Vincentian Spirituality:
Vincentians strive, through prayer, meditations on the Scriptures, fidelity to the teaching of the Church and in the various aspects of their daily lives, to bear witness to the love of Christ in their relationship with those most in need.

Poverty and the Vincentian:
"You have the poor with you always " (Matt. 26:11). The Vincentian is at their service. He does not judge; he is available.

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