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Power and internet

Rick Fleehart • July 4, 2023

On Thursday July 20, the power cable from the telephone pole to the Parish office will be taken down. That Saturday, we have a wedding and then a Mass to live stream. I hope it will all work. And now, the rest of the story:


I have been working with the electric company to make sure we can still live stream Masses and weddings while the roof is being replaced. Huh? You ask? As noted above, the power company must remove the power cable that provides power to the Parish office building, which was the old church. The cable is in the way of all the scaffolding that they will be putting up. Once the power is gone, so goes our network and the internet. The power company will provide a generator during the day. That way, we will be able to continue to work and learn the ParishStaq app along with providing the power to run our computers, the internet, and make popcorn (in inverse order of importance!).


The internet comes into the parish office and then it goes over to the church and provides internet for the live stream cameras and computers. Without power, the internet is dead because the routers switches, and our server all need power to work. No power, no internet. But wait, there’s more! Our internal network, which has the internet in it, goes into our server first, then back out to all the computers and devices. So along with turning on the generator, we must make sure the server is on too. This means that on Saturdays, before the 5 pm live stream, I will have to turn on the generator and then turn on the server. After live streaming the Mass is done, I will have to reverse the process.


Wish us luck and a lot of prayers. I will be wearing my super-fast PF-Flyers. I won’t have to work-out those days because the server is up-stairs, and the choir loft (live stream central) is up-stairs. Who needs a stair machine??

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