We are very grateful - to those who send in their church donations by mail. You are helping the parish meet its most basic needs. Sunday Donation by Mail: Please use our secure mailbox: Address: St. Francis of Assisi Church, P.O. Box 929, Seahurst 98062. Thank you.
PushPay: you will read more about this easy way to donate to the church and programs. It will eventually replace Our Sunday Visitor’s online giving service. Sign-up for online giving
Parish Operations: We are looking at ways to reduce spending. Rosemary Leifer, school principal is very supportive in this effort.
Annual Catholic Appeal This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal has us reflect upon A Future Full of Hope: Passion for our Faith, Promise for our Future, Care for our Community, and Love for our Family. Please prayerfully consider giving to the needs of our Archdiocese as we conduct the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal over the next four weeks. Some of you have already made your donation, and we thank you!
Bulletin News:
Bulletin is available on our Web Page, parish Facebook page and our new Bulletin company, LPi,
https://parishesonline.com/ type in St. Francis of Assisi, then zip code, 98166. Bulletins are listed on the bottom of the page.
A CPA on the Finance Council suggested I pass along this note: “CARES Act just passed by Congress has a special benefit: Up to $300 of cash donation to charity can be deducted by taxpayers who are not itemizing deductions. This is an ‘above the line’ deduction which will be beneficial to many taxpayers”
Rachel’s Corner
- Hope and Healing After Abortion - Is it hard to imagine escaping the darkness you have known since your abortion decision? Would you be willing to invite God in, so He can show you the way with His light? Join us for a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat.
Call for more information and for a compassionate, confidential conversation.
English: (206) 920-6413 Español: (206)-450-7814
Visit us at
www.ccsww.org/projectrachel or
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Volunteering and Involvement
Hospitality Ministers and Church Cleaners - Hospitality Ministers and Church Cleaners We need many volunteers to help keep everyone safe as we reopen the church for Mass. I am looking for more volunteers who are interested and able, not vulnerable, to help with being Hospitality ministers that would check people in, direct them to their seats, dismiss people for Communion and clean pews following Mass. If you are willing to help in this way, please contact me by email and I will set up a time to train you in the safety precautions as directed by the Archdiocese and for the tasks that this Hospitality ministry will include.
Pregnancy Aid
in Des Moines urgently needs more volunteers. Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 10am-1pm. Our office is open to provide free maternity and baby clothes, diapers, books, toys, and baby equipment to needy families, many of whom are immigrants and refugees. We need more volunteers to assist them. If you can help, please call Jo at 206-878-0803. http://www.pregnancyaidwa.org
Catholic Hospital Ministry at Harborview Medical Ctr - Volunteers are needed to bring Holy Communion and provide a presence to patients and their families at Harborview Hospital. Volunteers must complete all necessary paperwork, background checks, personal interviews and Orientation/Training sessions. Once a week, 3-4-hr shift, plus bimonthly check-in gatherings. Lots of flexibility re day/time. If you’d like to participate, call 206 965 1646 or email Deacon Steve Wodzaznowski at
WestSide Baby is gathering donations of diapers, coats, pajamas, car seats and toys for 3,000 children in need. 10002 14th Ave SW, Seattle 98146. 206-767-1662, info@westsidebaby.org. Online donations at westsidebaby.org/donate-now/
Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC) - Put Your Faith in Action! Your voice can help the Catholic Church more effectively advocate on key issues in Olympia, such as abortion, the death penalty, fighting poverty, and improving safety for all schools. Serving as the common voice of the Catholic Bishops of Washington State, the Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC) advocates for public policies that promote life and justice. All Catholics are strongly encouraged to join the WSCC Catholic Advocacy Network. Sign up today to receive important alerts and easy access for communicating with your state legislators. Just go to the WSCC website –
wacatholics.org — and click on Join Our Network
Catholic Volunteer Network - Would you like to make a difference in your community, the country, or the world? Do you want to serve those in need and work for social justice? Check out RESPONSE 2018, a free guide listing nearly 200 faith-based volunteer programs and thousands of opportunities. Volunteers serve full-time for periods of one week to one year or more across the U.S. and in more than 100 countries worldwide. Summer and school break opportunities are also available. Our volunteers are from all walks of life - from high school to senior citizens and every stage in between. Positions are available for both single and married volunteers, including those with children. Contact Catholic Volunteer Network to receive your free copy/copies of RESPONSE 2018. Call 800-543-5046 or email
info@catholicvolunteernetwork.org. You can also search RESPONSE 2018 online at
The USCCB and the DACA Program
- The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as our Archbishop Sartain and Bishops Elizondo and Mueggenborg, have expressed concern for all the young people who are affected by the cancellation of the DACA program. These youth entered the U.S. as minors and often know America as their only home. President Trump has asked Congress for a decision about the DACA program within the next six months. Along with the USCCB, we strongly urge Congress to pass a legislative solution that is both humane and fair. We encourage all Catholics in Western Washington to let their voices be heard as well. Please refer to the WA State Catholic Conferences’ action alert to express your views. Email:
Groups & Associations
St. Francis Knitters and Quilters - The Knit & Chat group and the St. Francis Quilters are always looking for new members and any unwanted fabric, yarn, or other craft supplies. Your leftovers help provide warmth and comfort to many of our neediest neighbors. Local pickup of items cheerfully provided. Call Anne at 206-444-0953. The Knitters meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 9a.m. in Unity Place 2. The Quilters meet 1st Tuesday at 10:30-1pm in Parish Hall. Contact for both groups is Charlene Carlson at (206) 242-2755.
Scouting Troop 375 - Scouting Troop 375 can properly dispose of the U.S. Flag. You may bring damaged flags to the marked box in the parish office vestibule.
St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle King County - Our 53 neighborhood chapters make close to 12,000 in-home visits per year. Last year we served close to 60,000 people in all programs. Our Chapter here at St. Francis is so grateful to all our Parishioners who donate monthly. $.90 of every dollar donated goes directly to our neighbors in need. We strive to help everyone. 80% of those in need are non-Catholic. If you would like to be part of our St. Vincent de Paul team, please contact our president, Mary McGarry (206) 433-7758.
Association for Catholic Childhood plays in the Archdiocese - If you are not aware of the role Association for Catholic Childhood plays in the Archdiocese, we are the “founding mothers” of Catholic Community Services. Since 1918, we have been providing funding and advocacy for children and families in need, regardless of race or creed. There are about 600 women in parishes throughout the Archdiocese, mainly in the greater Seattle area currently, who gather in Circles to volunteer to raise money and/ or do service for children and families. Twice yearly, agencies from throughout Western Washington submit formal grant requests. A review Board evaluates each proposal, and awards grants. We primarily support CCS agencies, but also fund other programs like CASA. Last year we were able to provide $162,500. Please help us continue to help the children by advertising our online auction. If you would like to learn more, please see our website at
www.forthechildrenww.org, respond to me, or call the office at CCS on Monday or Wednesday mornings at 206-328-5973.
Labor of Love auction website
www.laborofloveauction.org. - From St. Stephen the Martyr parish: If you are a pregnant mother in distress or know someone facing a crisis pregnancy, our Gabriel Angels are trained volunteer mentors who walk beside Mom with spiritual, emotional, & practical support. Call 1-888-926-ANGEL to connect with an Angel. Questions? Contact Deacon Carl Chilo
sstmdeaconcarlchilo@gmail.com Pregnant & Need Help? Call 1-800-395-HELP or 1-877-NOT-ALONE to talk with someone 24/7 or visit
www.optionline.org for information. Find local pregnancy centers at
www.911babies.com, including Pregnancy Aid in Kent (253-852-1201), Seattle Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.
Beautiful Mass cards to support the seminarians will be available in the vestibule after 10am Masses. This program is through the Seattle Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. Questions: contact Rose Rangel 206.475.9333 or
Liguorian - Are you looking for hope? Inspiration? Spiritual Guidance? Liguorian offers all this and more! Grow in your relationship with Christ through timely pastoral messages on matters of faith, practices, Christian living and social justice. Liguorian is a leading Catholic Magazine published by the Redemptorists. It reaches about 60,000 households each month and provides solid and straightforward answers to the important questions and problems facing today’s Catholics. Our mission at Liguorian is to help you navigate your day-to-day lives, assisted by your faith in both print and digital formats. Your print subscription also includes FREE access to Liguorian Online Digital Edition; register at Liguori.org to receive access. The Liguorian App is also available at iTunes for iApple platforms: iPad or iPhone. Visit
Liguorian.org and click on the subscription tab to learn more. For faster service, call 1-800-325-9521.
YMCA’s Accelerator Host Home Program - The YMCA, in partnership with New Horizons young adult services, offers Accelerator Host HomeProgram serving young people, ages 18-24, experiencing homelessness in King County. Contact: Nicole Guiberteaux 206.462.9327
acceleratorhosthome@seattleymca.org YMCA’s Accelerator Host Home Program - On any given night in King County, over 800 youth and young adults experience homelessness. Shelter beds and resources are limited, leaving the majority of young people without access to food or safe housing. We are looking for caring adults, willing to open their home to a young person at risk of homelessness. Contact Nicole Guiberteaux...206.462.9327
Music - Contact Denise Duque, Pastoral Assistant (206) 242-4575, ext. 33 or
dduque.stfrancisparish@gmail.com The choirs of St. Francis are looking for more voices to carry out the word of God! If you have a song in your heart and you love singing in church, please consider sharing your gift in music ministry! Contact Denise for more details.
Adult basketball - Did you know that we offer adult basketball at the St. Francis Family Center (school gym) each week? Every Wednesday night from 7:40-9:00pm the gym is open for adult basketball. We usually have between 4-10 men in our 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. We are a nice group of local men who like getting exercise once a week and love good, clean, fun recreational basketball. Even if you haven’t played in awhile, consider dropping by. We always like to see some new faces. For more information, call Pat Herold at 206.369.0173.
Support our Seminarians!
- St. Francis Parish is participating in a Seminarian Aid Mass Intention Card program. The estimated cost to cover education for future priests is about $55,000 per year per seminarian. You can help by using a Mass card when you wish to send a family member or friend a special greeting. Your loved one will be enrolled in a year’s worth of Masses being celebrated by Archbishop Sartain. This is a wonderful gift for an anniversary, birthday, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s or Father’s Day or to honor a departed loved one. Simply fill in the Mass intention slip, enclose a check written to Seattle ACCW, and mail it to the address listed on the slip. You mail the beautiful Mass card to your friend or family member. This program is sponsored by Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. The parish office has a supply of these beautiful cards and addresses/envelopes of where to mail them.
Sacred Heart Radio AM 1050 Seattle and AM 1240 Olympia.
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
1:00 PM to 5:30 PM
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Mailing Address:
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
PO Box 929
Seahurst WA 98062