Instructions for the Safety of All within our church during COVID-19:
Before you come to Mass
Before you come to Mass ask yourself these Screening Questions
In the last 14 days, have you:
1. Traveled internationally?
2. Been exposed to a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 without the correct PPE?
3. Had a temperature at least 100.0°F?
4. Had new or increased shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
5. Had a new cough?
6. Had at least two of the following symptoms together:
a. Chills
b. Muscle pain
c. Headache
d. Sore throat
e. New loss of taste or smell
7. Take your temperature before you leave for Mass!
8. Use the restroom before you leave your home to avoid unnecessary trips to the restroom during Mass. If you must use the restroom, Children will need to be accompanied by an adult to the restroom to ensure the 6’ social distancing is enforced.
Requirements to attend Mass:
1. Be symptom free. Take your temperature before you leave for Mass. If it is 100.0°F you must stay home.
2. Wear Mask (universal face covering). The mask must cover your nose and mouth at all times.
3. You must make a reservation. There will be a limited to 100 people per Mass. You will only be able to sign up to attend a weekend Mass every other week. You will need to enter contact information in case we need to contact you because someone tests positive for the Coronavirus that attended the same Mass as you.
To make a reservation: Go to the Parish Website,, click on the link to make a reservation and follow the instructions. If you do not have computer access call Elizabeth Hanks 206-242-4575 ext 25 and she will make a reservation for you.
4. Check in with a Hospitality Minister that your name is on the list of Mass attendees as you enter the church. These check in sheets will be destroyed 2 weeks following the Mass.
5. Remain 6 feet apart at all times. Physical distancing must be observed from the time people drive onto our campus to the time they get into their cars when Mass is over. You will be directed by Hospitality Ministers as you enter the church to a pew which keeps you a safe distance from others. You will not be able to sit in your “Usual Spot.” There are dots on the floor throughout the church marking every 6 feet, as well as, markings on the pews.
6. Use hand sanitizer as you enter and exit the church.
7. You will be allowed to enter the church beginning 20 minutes before Mass begins. Allow time for assisted seating by our Hospitality Ministers.
Mass will be different in these ways:
1. Fr. Dick will enter from the Sacristy and must remain 12 feet from the ministers while he is not wearing a mask.
2. Mass will be shorter in duration
3. No singing. Denise will play the piano but we will not have congregational singing.
4. Prayers that are normally sung will be said.
5. The invitation to exchange the Sign of Peace will be omitted.
6. No distribution of the Precious Blood. Communion will be received only in the hand.
7. No collection during the Mass. Collection container will be placed at the entrance of the church for you to place your offering.
8. No presentation of the gifts by the faithful.
9. Worship aids will be provided that must be used only once and thrown away following the Mass.
10. Mass will be livestreamed for those that cannot attend.
Receiving Communion:
1. The Body of Christ will be distributed by Fr. Dick and a Eucharistic Minister. Fr. Dick will put on a mask and sanitize his hands prior to the distribution of the Body of Christ.
2. Remove your mask just before receiving Eucharist.
3. You need to receive the Body of Christ in your hands. Both hands extended toward the priest or EM and your hands must be kept motionless and flat so that the Host can be placed in your hand without touching.
4. If you are touched by the minister, both of you will need to sanitize your hands before moving on to the next communicant.
5. You will be directed by a Hospitality Minister when to come forward. Everyone (except immediate family) must stay 6’ apart at all times. You will come up the side aisles, receive Communion, and then return to your pew down the center aisle.
1. You will be directed by a Hospitality Minister when it is time to leave your pew. Stay 6’ apart as you leave the pews all the way to your cars.
2. Dismissal will be from the back pews first then moving toward the front.
3. Throw your worship aid into the recycling bin or take it home with you.
4. Place your donation into the collection container by the entrance of the church.
5. The church will be sanitized by volunteers following Mass.
6. You will not be able to pray before the statues of Mary and St. Francis in the alcoves. It is not possible to keep the 6’ distance with someone stopped there for prayer.
After you have attended Mass
If you test positive to the Coronavirus please contact John Eisen, the COVID-19 Supervisor, in the Parish Office right away. Call the Parish Office (206) 242-4575, ext. 10 and leave a voice message, including your name and a contact phone number, if no one answers. Or email John Eisen at
Office Operations
CONTROL: What training are you going to do to implement the safety of your employees?
Provide accessible and visible signage of COVID-19 signs
· Signage will be posted throughout the parish office and meeting rooms. Currently, all parish facilities that includes the parish office is closed
Symptoms and what to do if symptomatic and who/how to contact- public health, covid-19 supervisor)
· The staff will need to self-test for fever before coming to the office
· If a person is not feeling well, they must stay home.
· If a person at the office experiences sore throat, fever, and so forth, the person should notify John Eisen or someone on staff of their situation. The staff member then will contact John Eisen, Covid-19 Supervisor
· The person should remove themselves from the office into a neutral place (meaning in an empty office) if he/she cannot go home right away.
· As soon as the person is able, the person should go home, unless they need medical assistance.
· Covid-19 Supervisor, John Eisen, will contact the Seattle and King County Health department. He will provide the list of people the person has been in contact with.
· John will contact our Outreach Team to call persons who may have been exposed to the COVID-19.
MITIGATION: What changes are being made to the environment? (What personal protective equipment is being used, i.e.- masks, on-location distancing, ie-work stations, telecommuting, staggered schedules.
· Outside of the office doors will have poster about having a mask, social distancing, and sanitizing hands before and after visit.
· The area where the Secretary has her office space, plastic shield was installed that covers the front counter. It has two small openings where materials can be pass back and forth.
· The entry to the office has two doors. Between the two doors, there is space about 10 feet square. This area will serve as a “staging area” when people are coming into the office. A person waiting to see the secretary can wait there until the person in the office has completed their business. This area has two comfortable chairs.
· Surfaces like desktops, front counter, kitchen counters, and doorknobs every other day (depends volume of foot traffic and areas used)
· When staff use the bathroom, staff will use sanitizer swabs or cleaning alcohol will be available for hard surfaces like doorknob, top of sink area, and toilet handle. Office bathroom will be clean daily, wiped down hard surfaces, etc.
· Office kitchen be clean daily, wiping down counter, coffee maker and Frigidaire handle.
· Conference room cannot be used for staff lunches, staff meetings, or any other meetings, unless it is a couple of people.
· Emphasis on keeping windows and doors open (except the two office doors mentioned)
· A free-standing sanitizer stand will be located just inside the inner office door.
· Masks will be provided if the visitor does not have one.
· If in the office, the Staff will have access to NG95 Masks.
· Every office will have a small sanitizer bottle as well as other locations throughout the office. Staff will have access to sanitizing spray and cloths to wipe down their desks and computer equipment.
· Staff are encouraged to work remotely. If more than two are in the office, encouraged staff to remain in their offices as much as possible.
· All staff meetings, even if they are in the office, will be a Zoom meeting.
· Continue to encourage staff to work remotely at home, to stay in their individual offices as much as possible, if they leave their room, they must wear a mask and practice social distancing whenever possible.
· Ventilate the area by opening windows and/ or doors (weather permitting)
Provide accessible signage of hygiene, sanitation and cleaning procedure, follow CDC guidelines.)
· The signage will be in our front office, bathroom, kitchen, copying room, and conference rooms; markers on the floor will be at six feet intervals.
EXPOSURE: What is your plan if you learn someone is positive for COVID-19? (Exposure response procedures and post-exposure incident project-wide recovery plan)
· If a staff person tests positive, people who have been in contact with this person are notified and must go home immediately unless needing medical assistance.
· All staff who had contact with this person needs to stay home for 14 days.
· The areas where this person worked will immediately be cleaned
· The parish office would be closed to the public for 48 hours to allow for cleaning and any other considerations.
· Staff should work remotely during this time
Parish Ministries:
All parish facilities are closed to groups, organizations and activities. In the fall, the school will use all parish facilities except the church for classrooms, these facilities will be closed to all ministries, groups, organizations and services.
We use Zoom for ALPHA, Finance Council and staff meetings, children faith formation, Confirmation Preparation, RCIA, and other classes and meetings.
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
1:00 PM to 5:30 PM
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Mailing Address:
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
PO Box 929
Seahurst WA 98062