
Confirmation (old page)

Archbishop during Confirmation Mass 2019

Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Like Baptism and Eucharist, it is a Sacrament of Initiation for Catholics and a Sacrament of faith in God's fidelity to us.

By the sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit and are, therefore, as true witnesses of Christ, challenged to spread and defend their Catholic faith by word and deed

High School Youth: (14 to 19 years old)

Preparation for Confirmation depends on their prior experience with faith formation. Those youth who have graduated from St. Francis or another Catholic school or those who have completed at least one year at a Catholic High school are invited to participate in our Immediate Preparation program in the fall.  All other candidates will need to complete a pre-Requisite program prior to enrolling in the Confirmation program. 

Please see our calendar and Newsletter for dates.

Adults (over age 19):

Preparation for adults is determined on an individual basis. 

Please contact Cheryl Brooten in the the Parish Office for information on how to get started (206) 242­-4575, ext 24, or email:

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